Quick Apply
Phone Number
Home Number
Key Skills
Dementia Experience
Hospice Experience
Incontinence Experience
Insured Automobile
Live-In Shifts OK
OK with Client Smoking
Gait Belt Experience
Hoyer Lift Experience
OK with Cats
OK with Dogs
What is the largest person you can manage, in pounds?
Hours wanted weekly
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Please provide education details
I have a high school diploma
Your Work Experience
Date From
Date To
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Your References
Phone Number
Additional Questions
Please provide your Social Security number.
Please provide your Driver's License Number and state (New Texas residents have up to 90 days to get a Texas Driver's License.):
Please provide your Date of Birth:
Other Last Names Used (if any)
What is your sex?
Are you a U.S. citizen? If you are a U.S. citizen, we will need to see your original Social Security card or U.S. passport. If you are not a U.S. citizen, we will need to see your original INS Authorization to Work.
Have you ever been found guilty of a felony or misdemeanor?
Please explain any criminal record you might have.
Do you have verifiable one year full-time experience within the last two years in direct client care under the supervision of a nurse -- OR -- CNA certification?
Do you have CNA certification?
Do you have HHA certification?
Do you have weekend availability?(at least a Saturday or Sunday each week is required)
Are you willing to transport clients in your car?
Are you willing to transport clients in their car?
Do you have your own car that is a reliable, clean vehicle in good working condition with proper air conditioning and heating? No one can take you to work or pick you up from work.
Do you have proof of current auto liability insurance on your vehicle naming you as an insured driver?
Have you been fully vaccinated against COVID-19?
Do you have current negative TB test results? (skin test taken less than 12 months prior or chest x-ray taken less than five years prior)
Do you have any physical limitations or medical condition(s) that would prohibit you from lifting, rolling or transferring a person or performing any other typical home care duties?
Are you a smoker?
Can you start immediately?
If you indicated that you cannot start immediately, please tell us when you can start and explain the delay.
Please list two emergency contacts, their name, phone number and their relation to you.
Have you ever previously worked for One Step Home Care?
How did you hear about One Step Home Care?
Please read before submitting your application
One Step Home Care is an equal opportunity employer, dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment. I understand that means all job positions are placed and employees selected without discrimination.
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